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Trip 5

feature image of Trip 5

My heart is heavy as I spent some time thinking and praying over the devastation hurricane Ian caused to Sanibel island. One of the last interactions before leaving for this trip was with my cousin, seeing photos of the damage done to the Island. I am humbled beyond words. Lord, have mercy. Lord come quickly.

To the many saints from Sanibel Community Church who generously supported me - I don’t know if you will read this, but I am thinking of you constantly and praying for you with urgency. May the Lord be near to the broken-hearted in the most intimate, personal and tangible ways.

Tubingen mountains

This was my 5th trip to Tubingen, Germany for dose 8 of my vaccine. The highlight of my journey was spending precious time with my Dad. It was a rare treat to travel, eat, reflect, laugh and pray. We spent uninterrupted, quality time together and soaked in some beautiful weather and European scenery. Psalm 34 was a treasure trove to reflect on this trip.

Tubingen Neckar River

4. I sought the LORD, and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
5. Those who look to him are radiant,
and their faces shall never be ashamed.
- Psalm 34:4-5

I did not find out any news about my immune response, but I likely will in the next week. I’ll have to find out soon enough, because my next trip is dependent on them 😉.

Other exciting news for our family, I began to drive again! It has been over a year and a half since I was last behind the wheel. I am starting off slow and by God's grace, our life operates in a 10 minute radius, making the transition easy. We could use your prayer for wisdom in acquiring a second vehicle.